Thursday, September 18, 2008

Caterpillars to Butterflies

I recently read Rev. Sage Serene's blog entry "The unknown" ( Sage has a new job working for a hospice assisting people who will soon be dying. Can there be a bigger rite of passage? I'm also studying Monarch butterflies with Ava (her first science project in school). As she tells me about the caterpillar in her classroom building the chrysalis to create the safe and necessary environment to morph into the adult butterfly, I smile and think, "Okay God, I get the connection". We are all caterpillars crawling along on our oft-randomly appearing journeys that spiral along towards the butterfly dreams. I look forward to traveling the journey with you and recall that it is the journey not the destination that matters. Heaven is not a place, it is a state of being. Let's see if we can find a bit of that world together this fall at our youth groups and retreats.

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