Thursday, October 29, 2009

Angels and Demons

The October Halloween edition of the Chaplain's Corner by Pastor Dave, SCYL Chaplain

We are constantly surrounded by angels and demons, and they influence us. They usually don’t affect our physical lives, but they do affect the way we think and feel. Demons exert their efforts to try to destroy our lives. Demons are not a special class of being, they are just mean people who have passed over to the next life. In the next life they remain the same as they were on earth—mean. On earth, demons tried to ruin people’s lives so in the next life they are the same. They try to ruin our spirit. They try to fill our minds with self-doubt, with messages that we are worthless, with messages that we are bad people. They can fill our emotions with anger against other people. They can make us think we are superior to others. In short, they fill our minds and hearts with dark forces.

But we also have angels who are with us. The angels are not a special class of being—they are simply good people who have passed over to the next life. The angels try to fend off the demons. They try to fill us with positive and encouraging thoughts and good feelings. Angels fill us with love for other people, for God, and for the things of religion. They tell us that our lives are cared for by God and that everything will be alright.

We have a choice as to who we will listen to, and to which kind of spiritual company we will keep. We can choose to attract angels or demons. By asking God into our lives, we surround ourselves with God’s power and love and we also surround ourselves with angels. When we have God in our hearts and when we are surrounded by angels, we have peace of mind, and joy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cody and MB

Cody and MB kept us all laughing at Blairhaven with their crazy dancing and antics. Thought you would all appreciate a taste of what we enjoyed!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Former League President Ernie Eckberg

We continue our profile on former SCYL Presidents ~ Where are they now?

October's featured former League President:

Ernie Eckberg
Served 1966 - 1968

What did he do and where is he now?

I have been in Texas since 1967. I'm in my 37th year of being in the floor covering business. I specialize in custom motorcoach flooring.

I felt blessed that I was able to serve the local church in Elmwood and going to Convention to be elected President. I felt blessed that Convention allowed me to travel the country to visit the local leagues and to be an encourager for the youth. I was blessed to be asked to co-edit the Messenger with Rev Bob Kirven. I felt blessed to interview the President of Convention, Rev. Dick Tafel Sr. for my contribution to the Messenger. They, Corrinne and Dick let me stay at their home while I was in Philly. And Stewart Poole opened his home for me, also.

In my short 3 year term, I flew or drove to so many locations and met with so many folks that it would take me quite a while to assemble that list. I remember the last convention I attended and that was in Urbana. I was the outgoing president of the ANCL- American New Church League. I remember Sherry Fekete being there and we were good friends. I helped organize Conventions in Brockton, Philly and at Harvey Mudd College in California. I also served on General Council being asked to fill the unexpired seat of one of the members that had passed away.

The church has been the most influential part of my life. We are isolated members and have joined a couple churches here in Texas. There always seems to be a void in our life when we attend those church services - as we feel that what is being preached is not what we believe. Thus we do a lot of reading and praying by ourselves. I never felt the need for having a crowd around when I talk to the Lord.
[Editor note: Current Church President Chris Laitner was youth league secretary when Ernie was youth league President]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

2009 Columbus Day Retreat at Blairhaven

The 2009 Columbus Day retreat (known as Blairhaven, as it is the only time a teen retreat is currently held here) was spectacular! As SCYL President Nina Sasser put it, "Best Blairhaven ever". We all learned so much about Swedenborg's famous fans. Rev. Lee taught us all about the amazing things that notable readers of Swedenborg like Blake, Jung, Cowherd, Emerson and MLK Jr. did with their lives. And Rev. Susannah vividly shared with us the life of Helen Keller by play the part and giving us the opportunity to experience blind, deaf disco bowling! At the Elmwood church on Sunday, we identified people that we admire and discovered traits that we have in common with them or would like to have. Back at Blairhaven, Rev. Lee explained how important it is to make positive change in your self to bring positive change into the world.

Of course, retreats are also all about fun with friends, and this retreat had plenty of that! Cody came all the way from LaPorte. Rev. Kevin Baxter made a visit on Sunday afternoon with Ephraim. The annual mudwalk turned into a frenzied mud wrestle. Blind deaf disco bowling certainly spiced things up. Brownie movie night was as yummy as ever and we laughed to Fired Up and screamed to Signs (some of us laughed at both ;-) ). We even got to take a hike up to the Myles Standish Monument, which was something we haven't had a chance to do for several years (and got a fun picture of our staged break in). And although Killer Croquet took a hiatus, I think all will agree that this Columbus Day retreat at Blairhaven was one to remember.