Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to School Ramblings

In the cool morning air amongst long shadows traversing the driveway, I watched my daughter Ava climb onto the school bus for the first time to propel herself into the complicated and wonderful world of kindergarten. This is a big deal for parents and it has started me thinking about journeys and rites of passage. Beginning kindergarten is certainly a rite of passage. But there are myriad new beginnings that each of us launch headlong into without fully understanding what lies (or lies are!) ahead. Actually, all of us are entering into the future, into uncharted territory, every moment of the day. Yet still, we look at certain events in our lives as more significant and perhaps life changing. I think of some of you teens going off to college. I think of the teens I know that are embarking on new jobs and the ones facing new and difficult challenges. I think back to the various rites of passage that I went through when I was younger and the ones that I face in the future. I am fascinated in the journey that is life and I wonder what your journey looks like. Are you traveling a safe road? Do you prefer a risky less sure path? Do you have a leader or are you flying solo? These are questions that I think are important for us to look at every once in awhile. So, how is your journey going? I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats really a very nice thought kurt thanks for posting it