I just saw an interesting movie called "The Book of Eli." The movie takes place in the world after a great, probably nuclear, war. It is about a special book that Morgan Freeman carries with him and reads from every night. The evil ruler of a city wants that book desperately. He knows its power. He knows that if he has the words from that book, he can control people and find more cities for him to rule. We soon realize that the book is the Bible.
The Bible is unlike any other book. It is God's word. And words from the Bible have founded civilizations. Moses founded the
Swedenborg tells us that when we read the Bible, angels and God Himself becomes present. Our heart warms and our mind becomes clear. But the Bible was written so that people could relate to it. It is written in some places in "appearances." That means God "appears" however the people thought God was like when the Bible was written. So the Bible says that God is angry, vengeful, and harsh in places. But God actually is none of these things. God is infinite love, and can't even look upon the human race with a stern countenance. He "appeared" that way to a harsh, vengeful people.
The Bible is also written in "correspondences." Correspondences are a symbolic language like poetic metaphors. Water means truth. The Sun means God and God's love. Mild animals like sheep mean good feelings. We don't need to think about these correspondences when we read the Bible. We need only read the story the way we would read any story, and the angels with us will understand the correspondences and fill us with love and enlightenment.
The Bible is just as powerful as the movie makes it. It would be good for everyone to take some time out of every day and read some of it, like Eli did.
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