The season of summer church camps is over. What an amazing camp season is was. Almont and Fryeburg camps were overflowing with friends living in community. When I was a teen, I spent most of my life looking forward to those 2 weeks of summer camp. The friends I met, the lessons I learned and the blessings I received there have lasted a lifetime. And the best thing isI continue to make new friends, learn new lessons and receive blessings each and every year I return. Perhaps this is the best part of summer camps. The fact that you can attend for life. Our family camps are pretty rare events these days. Most camps and retreats target certain age groups and activities. But at family church camp, you can return year after year and see old friends and meet new interesting people your whole life long. These places are unlike anything else that exists. You leave your school, college, youth events and work behind and often lose many of the friends that you meet there. Church camp is place you can always return to. It is like a big annual reunion where you can reconnect with everyone that you love. And your have those wonderful spiritual teachings and moments to support you and help guide you on your path. Church camp changed my life and continues to re-energize me every year. It is my heavenly community and perhaps it is yours too. I wonder how we can gather up the excitement, energy and passion that we experience at summer camp and spread it over the entire year. Then we would truly have a taste of heaven on earth.
If you are a parent of a teen, or a teen yourself, and would like to be added to the SCYL's mailing list (snail mail) for upcoming retreats and activities and receive the SCYL's publication Clear Blue Sky, contact Youth Director Kurt Fekete!
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