Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Lights

The December Holiday edition of the Chaplain's Corner by Pastor Dave, SCYL Chaplain

In the dark December days, there is a blessed light. The whole month seems to be filled with Christmas cheer. Lights go up on houses and trees. Decorations go up inside houses. People seem happier. The dark December days are lit up with the cheer of Christmas.

Our church calendar is also brightened with the coming of Christmas. We think of that little baby in the manger, of innocent shepherds, of the chorus of angels singing praises to the newborn Christ child. This is a season that especially honors the family. In this season, motherhood is placed in the center of religious observance. Christmas is especially about that special bond between a mother and her child.

Christmas demands a great leap of faith. Our theology teaches that in Christ’s birth, God came to humanity. The word Immanuel in Hebrew means “God with us.” And that is what this church teaches. The miracle of Christ’s birth is that God took on a human form. God came to a world that was darker than December nights. The Word of God had been replaced with rituals and customs of men. Inhumanity reigned free. Horrible acts of cruelty were commonplace.

Into that darkness a light was born. Into an insignificant manger, a baby and his mother celebrated the miracle of birth. Into a quiet manger, a baby was born who would transform the world. This is what Christmas means to me. It means all of the above: cheer, Christmas lights, giving gifts, the bond of mother and child, and the coming of God into the darkest night, in the darkest age of humanity. This Christmas season, let Christ come into your hearts. Let Christ’s Spirit fill you with joy. Let Christ’s love shine through you. Celebrate the coming of Immanuel, and let God be with you.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Former League President Rev. Dr. David Fekete

We continue our profile on former SCYL Presidents ~ Where are they now?

This month's featured former League President:

Rev. Dr. David Fekete
Served 1973

(current SCYL Chaplain)

[Dave at age 19]

When I became President of the SCYL, things were pretty dismal. I was elected at Convention in 1973. There were maybe 7 of us, and that represented about how big the SCYL was then. Church membership was falling off at alarming rates. There was no League Journal. There were only us few. It looked to us like the SCYL was going to die out.

I decided to revive the Journal that year. We gave it the title Clear Blue Sky, because we had hopes for a new, greater future.

[Dave preaching at age 13 in the Almont Chapel]

That summer I was hitch-hiking across the US and Canada. People were doing that back then, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it today. I decided to visit all the leaguers who were spread across the country and get in touch with them. I also got their addresses so we could send them Clear Blue Sky and keep those in touch who were spread out, though there weren’t many. We published a Journal each month from Detroit, where I lived then.

We had Christmas retreats at Almont then. But the only minister there was the Detroit minister, and most of the leaguers were from the Detroit church. We got a few from New England. As it is today, we all had a great time together. We enjoyed religious sessions and having fun with each other.

[Rev. Dr. Dave today]

It is thrilling for me to see how the SCYL has grown since I was president. You now have significant numbers and close ties of friendship. The SCYL is a strong organization now. The hopes we had way back in 1973 of a vibrant youth group are realized today. And the SCYL is growing stronger by the day.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fryeburg Youth Group Christmas Sleepover

Our Christmas sleepover was great last Saturday night. Eleven of us gathered at the Fryeburg New Church to swap gifts, eat spaghetti, talk Swedenborg, play Sardines (of course), Apples to Apples, Psychiatrist, and other reindeer games. Hungry Hungry Hippo and the Rudolph play set keep us entertained. Holly and Celie came from Portland and joined the Fryeburg teens. Ian was the only boy, so that was quite interesting (he did not stay overnight, but left late and returned in the morning). As it was the first snowfall, once it got dark the teens made a little snowman and snuck around outside the church hunting each other and attacking with snowballs. This raised suspicion amongst the local residents who called the police suspecting foul play or a b&e in progress! A police officer crept in the church at 1 am and quietly came downstairs to observe what was going on (a rousing game of Apples to Apples). When we heard the upstairs door open and close, of course we suspected a ghost. When the officer came around the corner, all the girls screamed! I'm surprised he didn't pull out his gun. Lee and I straightened out the situation and then we had a good laugh. We went to bed around 1:30 am and then got up to a bagel breakfast and worship. This was a really fun overnight. I hope even more teens can join us for our next sleepover in the spring.