Our retreat theme: Saved! A Swedenborgian Perspective on Salvation
We have all heard of people being saved. Perhaps friends or family members have told you that they have been saved. Most religions deal with salvation, redemption or deliverance of some form or another. They offer us a roadmap to a better place. But, religions differ vastly on how someone is saved and what sort of salvation is promised.
Even if we only look at Christianity, we see many different concepts of salvation. Emanuel Swedenborg has a unique understanding of it, but for many Christians, salvation is a process of confessing and believing. AllAboutGod.com summarizes being saved as, “Do you understand that you are a sinner, and believe that Jesus Christ came as the one and only Redeemer of sin? Are you ready to receive God’s gift of His Son, Jesus Christ? If so, believe in Christ, repent of your sins, and commit the rest of your life to Him as Lord.”
In contrast, Emanuel Swedenborg writes in AC6353, “The truth of the matter, however, is that the Lord does not deny heaven to anyone.” Does salvation depend on what religion you believe?
If you’ve ever wondered what it means to be saved or how someone becomes saved, this retreat is for you. If you’ve ever thought people who say they are saved are crazy, this retreat is for you, too. If you could care less about the whole idea of salvation, this retreat is definitely for you. If you believe that you’ve been saved, you’re all set, but feel free to come and share your experience.
Our retreats are open to teens ages 13 – 18 of all faiths and beliefs. At our retreats we offer life skills and spiritual sessions based on the principles of the Swedenborgian church. We strive for a safe, secure and inclusive environment to discuss and share relevant and meaningful ideas and challenges teens face today. We work, play and learn together as a community. We have fun! For teens and parents new to SCYL retreats please don’t hesitate to contact Kurt with any and all questions and concerns (email: kfekete@hotmail.com or call Kurt at: (802) 345-0169). Kurt will answer your questions or, if appropriate, put you in contact with a League officer in your region to help give you as much information and encouragement as you need!
The cost of this retreat is $60. But please do not let finances get in the way of attending!! There are scholarship funds available for help with teen travel and the cost of attendance. If you need financial help to attend contact Kurt and we can easily and confidentially help to cover costs. We want to make sure that all teens interested in coming to the retreat get there!
What to bring…
Clothes for indoor comfort and outdoor warm and cool weather.
Warm sleeping bag, pillow, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.
Outdoor shoes that you don’t mind getting wet and dirty.
Musical instruments.
A towel and personal items.
Sports equipment, cameras.
$15 spending money for outings.
Last, but not least…..a friend!
See you there!